Sunday, November 30, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

AsHPA-12 "Haast" WIP Special Post

Normally I keep the writing on this blog to a minimum, but it might be a good idea to explain myself from time to time. So here's a Work in progress (WIP) post about the process behind the Haast.

Whenever I start my drawings, I usually begin with a vague, so vague that most of the time I have no idea what I'm about to draw, idea of what I want to make. I jsut start fucking around scribbling with the brush tool in photoshop until is starts to look like something. I almost ALWAYS start with a black and white drawing, or at least a light line drawing, just so I don't get confused with color:

So there's the first sketch. I'm sure at some point it must have begun to look like some sort of spacecraft, so I told myself i would make it look MORE like a spacecraft. Genius, right?

Obviously its really rough and is lacking in the contrast, color, and pretty aspects. Particularly regarding the cockpit. But here's the thing, guys, I like it rough. That's right. I said it. I enjoy rough gestural Photoshop noodles. I feel that can really add to the work.

See that? That's about as colorful as I get. Just THAT was a big deal for me. I fucking hate color. It scares and confuses me.

You can see, at this point, I've given the cockpit and middle/top armor more definition. I've also removed that front middle panel, which breaks the shape up quite nicely. It also allows for experimentation as far as what to put in that little space. And I've added a very out of place gun mounted on the end of the wing. Its more of a solid line than a gun. Rest assured though. It is only there as a reminder that this ship needs a weapon.

It's important to mention at this point it was becoming obvious to me that the cockpit was not only movable, but that I wouldn't be able to skip factoring that part in when adding weapons and peripherals.

Alright. Here we are when surfaces are starting to get smoothed out.The armor is no longer "splotchy", at least some parts of it, and I've begun to add flight lights to make the ship a bit more interesting. I also made that "panel-less" midsection a straight curve.

Now you might be saying: "But what about the bottom section Henry? Why is it a silhouette? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? FUCK!"

And I say: "Relax stupid. Relax."

Alright so now I've done a brief overhaul of the midsection, both top and bottom. That subtle curved line at the top of the bottom section suggests that the large "apparatus" protruding downward can move around a bit. It definitely makes the ship look less organic, and more like a spaceship. Also, notice that I've gotten rid of that ugly fucking gun in exchange for its swept-back wing design.

This ship is designed for strafing and quick bombing runs at incredibly high speeds. Basically, its head extends and tilts upward giving it supersonic speed and allowing the main weapon shaft to freely rain flowers and candy on unruly mobs. And from its function, comes its name name, The AF-12 Woodpecker, or more accurately, the "Atmospheric Fighter mark 12 Woodpecker." Fucking Sweet.

That was a stupid name. It was a stupid name on multiple levels. Two levels to be exact. The first being that fact that the plane is obviously an attacker, NOT a fighter. The second being the fact that I named something that already resembles a penis "the woodpecker."

I'd thought about naming it the Peregrine, after Earth's own little natural high speed attacker. But then I'd found out that the Peregrine Falcon's primary prey was primarily other birds. That name would be reserved for a fighter. But now i needed a bird of prey that ate primarily land-based animals.

The AA-12 "Golden Eagle?" First of all, it's red. Second of all, fuck that. And thirdly, no, fuck that.

I've decided to name it after the Haast eagle. The largest eagle to have ever lived. The eagle had power in its talons easily sufficient to snap a human's neck, or puncture the skull. Its large beak was used to rip into the internal organs and death was induced by blood loss. Yesssssss.

Also I've decided to reverse the tag AA for anti aircraft guns. I did some defining on the midsection, most importantly, the XY minigun. The cockpit in particular is much smoother.

There it is. And here's a quick mockup of the extended and tilted cockpit.