Sunday, March 30, 2008


....not much else to say.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Nightmare on Elm St.

The Matrix

Good Will Hunting

3:10 yuma

Here's a movie poster i just designed for 3:10 to Yuma. I really think that Russel Crowe can be represented by superman here, since he kills so many bad guys at the end of the movie.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Alright. So My graphic design job is over, but the upside is that I've learned that i actually enjoy graphic design. I enjoy making girls lip balm designs, the all girls school crests, and the nail salon signs. I enjoy the standard turnaround of one hour, and the art director expecting something new within 20 minutes. In short, I have become a masochist.

So in keeping with the theme of learning Illustrator, and trying to break into the movie biz, i bring you my Alternative movie posters. Whenever I post one of these posters, I'll post a synopsis of the movie and my poster. Please note: all the movies that I make a poster for are first deemed worthy of my greatness. Therefore, they are all highly recommended. First up. CUBE!

Six total strangers awaken one day to find themselves alone in a cubical maze. Once they meet, they work together using their given skills and talents to survive the deadly traps which guard many of the colored cubic rooms. Using Leaven's mathematical skills, they press forward, upward, and downward through the hatches to try and find the outer shell.

Thar she is! Simple. Straight. Sexy. Cube.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy with my cousin's website and its consuming me. What a pain in the ass.